NGS GARDEN OPENING MAY 22nd and 23rd – this weekend!

21 05 2021

Well the season has been firstly too dry so we were having to water in March and April and then so wet that we were paddling across the lawn and squelching in the mud! The Festival of Arts is cancelled so we couldn’t justify a sculpture exhibition and everything is so slow to open that we are very green but lacking colour.

And the weather forecast is wet!

But we do still have a lovely garden, the wisteria looks nice and the pond is full and everything is lush.

We are doing tea and coffee and bakes but as a take away option with lots of places to sit around the garden

And we do have about 20 pieces of our own sculpture that you can admire crafted by 10 sculptors as a taster for next year when fingers crossed, things will be back to normal!